4 comments Wednesday, October 24, 2007

what a cool contraption. this way u catch the mousee without harming the poor fella. hehe. still dosent solve the problem of eradication i guess. it will come back and haunt u as master splinter.

source http://www.boingboing.net/2007/10/23/clever-nonlethal-mou.html

4 comments Sunday, October 21, 2007

wouldnt it be great if we had a button to clear all thinking and just imagine theres nothing.

need help concetrating to do some laplace transforms.

the time response of the brain to react to whats happening around is too slow.

3 comments Saturday, October 20, 2007



boogy boogy. atlast changed the blog template yay. heheh hope its cool.

mi template hedhi meehaa ah adhi wara boda shukuriyaa
adhi aesha ah mi edit kodineethee
then some lava mubaarai sir akah wes

2 comments Sunday, October 14, 2007

why do we have so many different computer programming languages?? why cant we have universaly accepted one form??

and by the way screw matlab and visual basic for making life horrible.

2 comments Thursday, October 11, 2007

if u come across this before ure head blows up run. i wonder why academics like to relate there findings to simple pranks done when u are young like pinching. this is crazy name and to be honest a pain in the arse analysis aswell.

i wonder if there is a suicide technology??

anyhow this is my first post in ages and ages. dunno what else to write.